Devis Gratuit

Email Disclaimer


All emails from a registered Warmup address (and any accompanying documents) contain private information that may be confidential and is protected by law : any disclosure, copying, distribution, taking any action on, or reliance on these emails or their attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received an email in error, we apologise and request that you notify us immediately and also delete the email immediately from your system. We may monitor email traffic data and content of emails to maintain necessary service and security standards

Opinions & Representations:

Any view or opinion expressed in an email from a Warmup address is not necessarily that of Warmup Plc. The company, its directors and employees make no representation for its accuracy or completeness unless it is expressly stated to the contrary in writing on company notepaper signed by a company director.

Liability Notice

Warmup makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses but you are responsible for checking emails and any attachments for viruses as we cannot accept any liability for the consequences to you of any virus transferred by email.

Warmup – Company Information:

Warmup plc (trading as Warmup) is a company registered in England and Wales under company registration number 02955213.

Outils de devis Warmup :

Warmup propose une large gamme de systèmes de chauffages au sol compatibles avec tous les types de sols, pièces et projets.

Devis Plancher chauffant électrique

  • ✓ Idéal pour chauffer votre habitat
  • ✓ Invisible et Confortable
  • ✓ Economique et Garanti
  • ✓ Homogène
  • ✓ Epaisseur de 2mm
  • ✓ Solution sol et mur

Devis Gratuit
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Devis Plancher chauffant hydraulique

  • ✓ Rapide à installer
  • ✓ Faible surélévation des sols
  • ✓ Réduction des émissions de carbone
  • ✓ Économie d’énergie
  • ✓ Rénovation et construction neuve
  • ✓ Tous types de sols

Devis Gratuit
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For areas of 24m2 or more, use our full quoting system
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